HCM Hypertrophic CardioMyopathy |
We didn't really expect having to write something relating to HCM on our HP. But sadly in October 2008 the situation changed. Our stud CH*Noriño av Snøfjord was tested HCM positive. Noriño had already been tested in 2006 with a normal result. He was 1 year old at that time. The results showed no reason to expecting this would change. The second test was recommended for 2008 and planned accordingly. Also, his parents were tested in 2006 too, with the same normal result.
We already knew that most "HCM positive" cats are in some way conspicuous at the age of 1 year. But there are in fact some cases without any indication that this cat would become "HCM positive" later when the first test was absolutely normal. Every ultrasound is just a snapshot and no cardiologist could ever say that this cat would remain free of HCM in the future.
So when we did the second HCM-Test with him in 2008, we naturally didn't expect the result "HCM positive". After some sleepless nights we made the decision to consult another cardiologist. We didn't want to try and change our result into a good one, but such a diagnosis with lots of consequences needs a second opinion. The second test results were equal to the first, even if we hoped for a better result. However, a lot of questions we had were now answered in a better and more detailed way. The second cardiologist took lots of time with us and Noriño, so in the end we felt a little more comfortable with the diagnosis "Mild HCM".
To date, Noriño has never showed any manifestations. He is healthy and in very good shape. He plays and romps around with all our cats. There are still no signs for him beeing unhealthy in any way. We are very happy about this and hope that this won't change.
From now on he is under our cardiologist's constant supervision. So far there is no reason for a medication, wishing that will never change too.
Thanks to all our friends who gave us so such great support and advice. Thank you all :-)) !!!
In the meantime Noriño has been neutered. :-(( |
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